
The Bonobo Conservation Initiative (BCI) based in Washington, D.C. and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is dedicated to ensuring the survival of the bonobo (Pan paniscus) and its tropical forest habitat in the Congo Basin.

If you would like to volunteer in this institution, please send an e-mail to


HELP Congo (Habitat Ecologique et Liberté des Primates) est une association congolaise loi 1901 créée en 1990. Le domaine d'action de cette ONG est la protection des primates, en particulier celle des chimpanzés, et de leur habitat. Elle agit en République du Congo.

Please contact


Friends Of Bonobos is based in the Democratic Republic of Congo, this is the only bonobo sanctuary in the world and provides refuge to over 50 bonobos, where once rehabilitated, the infants join the group of the juvenile and adult bonobos in over 60 acres of enclosed forest.

They take selected paying volunteers. For more information, email




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